Linwood Custom Homes - Custom home packages including house plans

Award winning Custom Home Packages including house plans with site specific design.

All Weather Windows

Canada's largest privately owned window and door manufacturer

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is Canada's national housing agency. CMHC is Canada's premier provider of mortgage loan insurance, mortgage-backed securities, housing policy and programs, and housing research

Energy Star

Save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products

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A leader in the design, manufacture, and custom fabrication of glued-laminated structural wood systems.

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Home Design

Working with Gibsons Home Builders gives you the opportunity

to choose from a large number of home designs. These are pre-engineered and can be customized to your specifications. Alternatively you can work with an experienced design team to create a unique design.

A true custom home incorporates site specific design features. This means it fully considers the characteristics of the property as well as meeting building code and permitting requirements. Your designer will be able to help you create an appropriate site specific design.

  • Why Site Specific Design is Important
  • The Design Process
  • Input for Budget Preparation
  • Advantages of Working with Professional Designers

Gibsons Home Builders can then help you make informed decisions for choosing the right building products and provide you with technical expertise and practical building options. Working with Gibsons Home Builders gives you all the design support you need to get your home completed.

Why Site Specific Design is Important

A true custom home incorporates site specific design features. Site specific design considers the actual design of the house and its placement on the property. This means it fully considers the characteristics of the property as well as meeting building code and permitting requirements. The following key issues need to be considered when creating a site specific design:

  • Elevations / exterior look / floor plan
  • View / orientation / natural light
  • Exposure / weather conditions
  • Setback / access / zoning
  • Slope / natural land features
  • Geo-technical / engineering / well / septic

The first step in designing your home is to take your ideas and develop a preliminary plan, which can be used to make any changes necessary. Once the design concept is finalized, it can be used to create blueprints and a working budget.

Blueprints are also used to obtain building permits and for actual construction purposes. Getting planning approval can be a lengthy process. This means you should apply for permits as soon as you have finalized blueprints available.

The Design Process

The design process usually takes longer that people think. This is because there are a number of steps involved and some key decisions to be made to get a good finalized design. The decisions you make at the design stage will affect every aspect of your project.

Designing your home starts with deciding on an exterior look or an interior layout that is appealing. With modern construction methods, most floor plans can be designed to match the desired exterior look.

The next step in developing your concept is to take your ideas to preliminary plans, which show floor plans and exterior elevations. In developing preliminary plans, you need to consider how the home will be placed on the property. This requires looking at the characteristics of the property from both a features and technical perspective. Setbacks, zoning, placement of wells and septic fields also need to be taken into account.

These preliminary plans can then be used to generate blueprints. Accurate blueprints are the best basis for creating a realistic budget. Blueprints are also used to obtain building permits and for construction purposes.

Getting planning approval can be a lengthy process. It can take from 3 to 6 weeks just to get building permits. This is why you should apply for permits as soon as you have finalized blueprints available.

Input for Budget Preparation

The design chosen and resultant blueprints are the first critical step in budget preparation. An accurate final budget can only be produced when the information contained in the blueprints is available. Not only does this cover the size of the home and construction method, but also the type and quality of materials to be used.

Because of the nature of custom home projects, it is generally not realistic to use average per square foot prices to take the project to completion. The cost of decks, covered porches, garages, finished basements and main living areas need to be taken into consideration. The quality of materials used and the level of finishing will also make a significant difference. Therefore, any simplistic quotation of finished cost per square foot is totally unrealistic.

This is why you need to prepare a budget based on project specific information. Any other method of calculation can result in problems for the homeowner.

Advantages of Working with Professional Designers

Custom homes can be built using different structural methods. Conventional homes typically involve standard framing and a truss roof structure. More complex homes may include post and beam, timber-frame and log construction or a combination with conventional framing. Not only does the design need to be optimized for best use of materials and construction practices, it also needs to be properly engineered so that it is structurally sound and loads are distributed properly.

This is why it is essential to use skilled people to prepare your design and blueprints. A common mistake for homeowners is to try and use standard designs that are not suitable for their property or cannot be easily modified. The selection of design is, in fact, the most crucial stage and will affect the outcome of the entire project.

Gibsons Home Builders has access to professionals who can produce a concept design or modify most custom home plans to suit the Gibsons area. Alternatively, they can take your concept plans and produce high quality blueprints.

Gibsons Home Builders - Member of BC Builder Network - 1.866.582.8453